I #amreading . . . 100 Teen Novels by Canadian Authors

First on my list of new year's resolutions is to read 100 Preteen/Teen novels by Canadian authors before the end of 2018. Some of these authors are well-known in classrooms across the country—the globe, in some cases—but others are much less so, but they have talent none-the-less.
Today I #am reading Sugar Falls by David Alexander Robertson and Scott B. Henderson.
Sugar Falls is a powerful graphic novel that recounts the horror Indigenous children experienced in residential schools. Based on the true story of Betty Ross, an elder from Cross Lake First Nation, Sugar Falls tells the story of Betsy who, at eight years old, was sent to residential school.
While there, she is abused and suffers, but the words her father told her keeps her spirit and her hope alive.
Sugar Falls is for readers ages 14 and up.