Write Right
Writing Tip of the Week
When To Use a Hyphen
1. Use a hyphen to make some compound words.
The candidate was not well-known, but she was beginning to have a following in social media.
2. Use a hyphen to divide a word at the end of a line.
Although the candidate pretended to be stern, she was laugh-
ing when her opponent cracked a joke.
Don't divide—
a one-syllable word such as stand, poll
a one-letter syllable from the remainder of a word—a-genda
a contraction—don't, haven't, won't
3. Use a hyphen when combining two words to make a single adjective
before the noun it is modifying.
Her opponent had a smug look on his clean-shaven face.
4. Use a hyphen between the numbers in a fraction.
One-half of her opponent's platform was full of holes.
5. Use a hyphen to make new words which begin with the following
prefixes: half, great, ex, all and self.
all-around, self-contained, self-denial, half-time, half-section,